Historical Dictionary of the Berbers

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  • Aratype
    • Jul 2007
    • 1629

    Historical Dictionary of the Berbers

    <p align="left">The Phoenician colonies in North Africa started out as peaceful, trading presence among the Amazigh original inhabitants of the region. These colonies, though initially inhabited by Phoenicians from the eastern Mediterranean, became a mix of the two peoples as they intermarried with the local Amazigh. The Amazigh, as well as the Punic Phoenicians, who survived the Roman subjugation of the region are credited with preserving the Phoenician language up till the time of Saint Augustine in the 5th century. Further, traces of the Phoenician alphabet are evident in the Tamazight (Berber) alphabet called Tifinagh... <br /><br />The presence of the Berber in North Africa today is a living proof that the "Arab World" is not made up of 325 million Arabs. In fact, pan-Arabism is an unfounded heresy forced down the throats of people conquered and subjugated beginning with the advent of the Arab conquest in the 7th century. The Amazigh, much like the overwhelming majority of the people of this (Arab) "world," belong to a wide variety of ethnic groups that are different in blood, tradition, language, literature, art and history, and should not be lumped together as a single people.<br /><br /><br /><a href="http://depositfiles.com/files/sc5h4movx">http://depositfiles.com/files/sc5h4movx</a></p>
  • عبدالرحمن السليمان
    عضو مؤسس، أستاذ جامعي
    • May 2006
    • 5732

    _MD_RE: Historical Dictionary of the Berbers

    <p align="center"><font size="5">Thanks dr. Usama<br /> </font></p>


    • adrar
      عضو منتسب
      • May 2007
      • 247

      _MD_RE: Historical Dictionary of the Berbers

      <font size="+1" color="#ff0000">The presence of the Berber in North Africa today is a living proof that the "Arab World" is not made up of 325 million Arabs. In fact, pan-Arabism is an unfounded heresy </font><br /> <br /> thank you Aratype<br /> <br /> <font size="+1" color="#0000ff">هذا الرابط لمن يرغب في معرفة المزيد عن الفكر الامازيغي </font><br /> http://www.amazighworld.org/eng/index.php


      • Aratype
        • Jul 2007
        • 1629

        _MD_RE: Historical Dictionary of the Berbers

        <p><font size="5">الأمة العربية اختراع غربي، وفرنسي تحديداً، وفكرتها، كغيرها من الأفكار البالية في المنطقة، تعدُّ من رواسب الاستعمار وترسيخاً له...<br /><br />ويصدق الأمر على أمم أخرى، كالأكراد والتركمان والأمازيغ وغيرهم كثير</font></p>


        • adrar
          عضو منتسب
          • May 2007
          • 247

          _MD_RE: Historical Dictionary of the Berbers

          <div align="right"><br /><strong><font size="+1">ألامة العربية حلم .... إن تحقق ,السماء ستمطر ذهب و فضة ......<br />الاستعمار رحل منذ زمان ... و لم يأخد معه سواعد ولا عقول من يبررون عزجهم بإسمه<br /></font></strong><strong><font size="+1">{</font></strong><strong><font size="+1">إن غاب الجمال تبقى حروفه ’’ملامحه’’</font></strong><strong><font size="+1"></font></strong><strong><font size="+1">}</font></strong></div>


          • Reader
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2007
            • 423

            _MD_RE: Historical Dictionary of the Berbers

            <p align="left">May i count on your forgiveness for my weak English? <br /><br />I have two remaks:<br />I prefer the word "settlement" on "colonies", since the Phoenician arrival in North Africa was peaceful, as far as i know.<br />The specialits have no proofs for the Phoenician roots of the Berber script. It is nothing else than the name that inspires the most people of the Phoenician origin of the Berber script. <br /><a href="http://www.mondeberbere.com/langue/tifinagh/tifinagh_origine.htm">http://www.mondeberbere.com/langue/tifinagh/tifinagh_origine.htm</a><br /><br />I would also refer to my geniuos remak <img alt=" " src="http://www.wataonline.net/site/uploads/smil3dbd4e5e7563a.gif" /><br />Once, the ancestors of the Imazighen called the "Meshwesh" obtained the leadership in Ancient Egypt and perpetuated their names as rulers. One of those names was "Tafnakht".<br />This name is remarkable to me, since, I got this name by reducing the name tifinagh to a singular form. The gh and kh are interchangeable, like "ingha", naqqakht" (Tarifit), the verbum is "negh" (or nagh?) (to kill).<br /><br />It would be interesting to know what the name "tafnakht" could mean. In any case, this background is <u>enough to me</u> to "weaken" the claim of Salem Chaker.<br /><br />Best regards,</p>


            • spartacus
              عضو منتسب
              • Sep 2008
              • 59

              _MD_RE: Historical Dictionary of the Berbers

              الامة العربية ليست سرابا وانما هي حقيقة ولكن كما قال احدهم حدودها هي حدود استعمال العقال وما سوى ذلك امم اخرى الانباط والسريان والاقباط يشكلون امما قائمة بذاتها اما المصريون والامازيغ فهم امم كبرى في الديمغرافيا والجغرافيا
              والعرب الحقيقيين لا يختلفون مع هذه الفكرة ولكن المؤدلجين والمسيسين والحالمين يرون غير ذلك
              وماذا لو حافظت كل امة بخصوصياتها وبنت هذه الامم تضامنها وتعاونها على الحقائق لا على الاحتواء والطمس اكيد سيختلف الامر ولن يشعر احد انه اقل من الاخر او انه مطموس عنوة
              وعندها سيكون التضامن اقوى لانه بني على اساس متين

