نص مترجم من العربية(كلام الناس)

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • BashirShawish
    أعضاء رسميون
    • May 2006
    • 384

    نص مترجم من العربية(كلام الناس)

    People's Remarks

    Dr. Bashir Shawish

    It is narrated that once a man went with his son to the market place. The man had a donkey.

    The man rode the donkey and his son went walking on foot. They passed by a group of people sitting on the side of the road. The people started laughing and said " it's a pity to see the man riding on the donkey's back and the young boy walking !". When the man heard this, he decided to let his son ride the donkey and to walk on foot himself.
    After covering part of the way, they met another group of people. These people commented: "What we see is real madness. The young boy is riding the donkey and the old man is walking!" . When the man heard this he decided that both he and his son would ride the donkey.
    They continued on their way until they passed by some people. When these people saw the man and his son riding the donkey ,they did not like what they saw .The man and his son heard these people saying :
    "How stupid this is ! Both the man and his son are riding the poor donkey. No doubt that this heavy load is hurting the weak donkey." On hearing this both the man and his son decided to walk on foot and let the donkey walk with them without riding it.

    Again after walking for a while, they met some more people on the road. These people in their turn commented: " The man and his son must be mad. They walk on foot and let the donkey go free without riding it."
    After a little while, the man and his son reached their home. The man said to his son: Remember this situation very well. Whatever we did we couldn't please people. Therefore, one must do whatever one considers right and should never listen to what other people say.
    (This tale is sometimes attributed to an imaginary personality; Juha).
    (The lesson to be learnt from this is what the man told his son. A person's actions should be based on whatever he considers right and not on what other people say or what they think is right ).

    كلام الناس
    د. بشير الشاوش

    يحكى أن رجلا ذهب إلى السوق مع ابنه وكان لديه حمارا .

    ركب الرجل الحمار وترك ابنه يمشي على رجليه. مر الاثنان ببعض الناس كانوا على قارعة الطريق. بدأ هؤلاء الناس يضحكون ، وقالوا معلقين: أنه أمر محزن. الرجل يركب الحار ،ويترك الولد الصغير راجلا! عندما سمع الرجل هذا طلب من ابنه أن يركب وقرر هو أن يمشي على رجليه.

    بعد أن قطع جزء من الطريق، مر الرجل وابنه بجماعة أخرى من الناس. قامت هذه الجماعة بالتعليق : إن ما نراه هو الجنون بعينه! يركب الصغير، والرجل الكبير يمشي راجلا! عند سماع ذلك قرر الرجل أن يركب هو وابنه على الحمار.

    استمر الرجل وابنه في طريقهما وبعد فترة قصيرة كانت هناك مجموعة أخرى من الناس على جانب الطريق .عندما رأى هؤلاء الناس الرجل وابنه يركبان الحمار لم يرق لهم ما شاهدوه .سمع الرجل وابنه الناس يقولون : يا للحماقة، يركب الرجل وابنه الحمار المسكين ، إن هذا حمل ثقيل على الحمار الضعيف. عند ذلك نزل الرجل والولد من على ظهر الحمار .قرر الرجل وابنه المشي على الأقدام وترك الحمار يمشي بدون أن يركبه أحد .
    د/ بشير محمد الشاوش